Papa Knows Green

Chemistry-free Imaging

Our presses eliminate the need for:
- chemical processing
- production steps associated with film-based plate making
- separate imaging of plates using an offline CTP system

PrintPapa's presses achieve this efficiency by automatically imaging the printing plates and printing the job directly on press. The digital file is sent to the DI press where all four plates are simultaneously imaged in precise register. Plates are imaged via a thermal process; the heat from the lasers removes the top layers of the plate material, exposing the ink receptive layer. The laser and digital plate comprise an optimized system that eliminates the use of chemistry in the plate making process. Direct imaging also significantly reduces the need to store and dispose of chemistry. Worldwide, it is estimated that more than 31 million gallons of chemistry are used in imaging printing plates every year.

VOC-less Printing

Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions have been linked to the breakdown of the Ozone layer, contributing to global warming. Our presses waterless press design eliminates what is typically the largest portion of a printer's VOC output - solvent based press and blanket wash solutions. These benefits - combined with the on-press chemistry-free thermal imaging and the automated ink cleaning functions - reduce VOC output by up to 90 percent.

Water Conservation

Conventional offset printing requires water for plate processing and for the press dampening system. DI printing does not use water. The chemically tainted waste water from traditional offset printing is eliminated. The August 2006 United Nations - Water Thematic Issues report, Coping with the Scarcity of Water, speaks to the importance of maintaining and preserving our water supply and projects that 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity by 2025 if water use continues at its current rate.

Design Green

The importance of design in green printing cannot be underestimated. After all, as printers, we will work with the files and specifications that you provide to us. Certainly, we'll ensure that our printing practices are environmentally sound, but the decisions about what needs to be printed, for what purpose, and in what quantities are generally decided upon beforehand.

Here is a Sustainable Design Checklist that covers topics such as strategy, execution, production, distribution, and end-of-useful life. Some of their suggestions for auditing the sustainability of a printed piece include:

- Serves multiple purposes and maximizes shelf life
- Raises awareness by displaying environmental specs
- Limits ink coverage and areas of solid color
- Is printed by a printer that has environmental certification
- Uses recycled and/or FSC-certified paper that was processed chlorine-free
- Uses soy- and vegetable-based inks and avoids metallic inks
- Avoids foilstamping, thermography, and lamination
- Uses up-to-date mailing lists that accurately target your audience

We hope you've found this information helpful... if you have other suggestions or ideas, please feel free to submit them via a comment on our blog.

"We believe companies that take advantage of environmental opportunities can gain a competitive advantage over their peers through cost reductions, quality improvements, increased profitability, and access to new and growing markets."

- Jackson W. Robinson President of the Winslow Management Company
(Winslow Environmental News, Volume 14, Number 2)

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